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QR Code Ideas

Scavanger Hunt

Both of these 1st 2 ideas are more appropriate for sessions like Cosmic Bingo were you have a younger group of players.  We have discussed this in a previous articles. Briefly, the idea is to place QR Codes throughout your hall, have your players locate and collect all of the messages to either win a prize or receive a throwaway for a special game.

Treasure Hunt

Each code hidden around your hall contains a riddle whose solution leads the players to the location of the next riddle.  Players need to solve all of the riddles to reach the end of the game and their prize. This can be run as a race or as a game where there are multiple winners. Both of these games can start, end or include codes on your website. Lot’s of creative possibilities.                                  

QR Code Bingo

Place 75 QR Codes around your hall with numbers 1 through 75.  Yep, this one will take some work. Each player starts with a 1-on and must find the numbers on their card to get the required pattern to win.  First one wins. Player’s scanners must have a history feature to verify the bingo. Be sure you can direct players where to get such an app if they do not have one.

Exclusive Offers

There are 2 ways to create exclusive offer QR Codes.  Each code can provide 1 offer or they can provide multiple offers over time.  Option 1, a QR Code can contain a single message with one exclusive offer.  It’s a one time use code.  Option 2, a QR Code can link to a simple mobile webpage that can be changed over time.  So 1 published QR Code can provide multiple exclusive offers by changing the webpage  periodically.  This makes the life of one code much longer and valuable as a marketing tool.

Mobile Web Pages

There is a couple ways to create a mobile webpage.  Have your IT department create it as part of your regular internet website.  You may have to have them change it for you when it’s time to change it.  You can then create your QR code as a link to this page.

The other option is simpler and gives you more control.  There are many simple and inexpensive website creation software programs on the market.  Use one of these to create your own mobile site.  Create and register a domain name, such as ‘BJMobileCodes.com’. You can actually check this one out on the web.  The key here is to use a full size page and large type so it is easily readable on a mobile device.

The priority is easy reading and small files and less on complex design. Place your exclusive offer on the page and create a QR Code that links to the page and Bingo...you are in business.  Now you can publish this code anywhere; on posters, flyers, mailers...hmmm calendars, and you can change the offer as often as you like without having to change or republish the code.  This is a powerful tool that costs very little and offers lots of possibilities.


Facebook and your website are great places to use QR Codes.  Creative messages and offers can increase traffic in the hall and engage your players in an all new way.  Offer a free 1-on for a special game for all those who respond to your code message. In this case, the bigger the prize, the bigger the response.  It will also keep players on the look out in the future for new codes and game opportunities on your website and Facebook page.  It’s also a good way to increase player loyalty.

Published Codes

Creating QR Codes that link to pages on your current website, Facebook and/or Twitter pages are essential in promoting you hall to your players and to potential new players.  A code with a link directly to an automatically updated jackpot page would be a  great asset you can use anywhere and on anything.  Another code to a page of your daily, weekly and/or monthly specials is another opportunity to keep your players well informed and connected to your hall. When these codes are scanned once, they can be saved as favorites on players phones for future easy access to information that is important to them.

Checkout likify.net.  Here you can create a QR Code that will link your players to a page where they can ‘like’ your Facebook page. Very simple and the code can be published anywhere including T-shirts and other promotional products.

Couple of things to keep in mind.

• Tracking your codes is a great way to measure their success. Sign up with a company that will not only generate your codes for   free, but will also keep track

  of the analytics of each code.

• Don’t forget to prominently place a compelling call-to-action (e.g. “Scan to Win”) near the QR code so that your audience    immediately knows why they should bother scanning your code.

• Check the cell phone coverage in all parts of your hall to make sure it is adequate for your players.

• All exclusive offers should be designed to be widely distributed, taking advantage of the ease players will have to text or email   your offers to family and friends. All offers can be redeemed by presenting the offer on the players mobile device at the buy-in    window.


Both of these

Anniversary Gift ideas are

Currently available.

Visit the websites for

All of the Details.

Both the Anniversary Bingo

& Casino Calendars are

available as gifts for your

players anytime of the year.

These are 13 month   calendars that will start on your anniversary month.   New options available  include coupon pages,    image personalization, & pocket size calendars.     There are also an unlimited number of themes

to choose from.

Click the calendars above for

all of the details.